If you've had a go at making your own shadow puppets, why not make a puppet theatre and use this to perform to your friends and family! What story will you tell?

Download the activity here.

Shadow puppets have been used to tell stories across the world for a very long time. During the long winter nights, people would come together to share stories and games around the fireplace or campfire.

Create your own shadow puppet to tell a story at home.

Download the activity here.

At night, when the Museum is closed, some special visitors arrive and the only way of knowing they have been because of the footprints they leave.

See if you can guess each animal by it's shadow and match it with its footprint.

A session tracing life in Britain from the Palaeolithic to the Iron Age. Find out what distinguishes each epoch and how everyday objects changed through time and space. View the Powerpoint


Visit our website for more details and teacher's resources.

Rituals and Beliefs focuses on the scene from a plaster cast taken of a stone lintel from the doorway of a temple in the city of Yaxchilan, now in modern day Mexico, and dating from 709AD.

The images depict a blood-letting ritual being performed by Lady K'ab'al Xook and her husnabd King Shield Jaguar. Lady K'ab'al Xook can be seen pulling a rope of thorns through her tongue in order to collect blood in a bowl filled with bark paper. Both figures are wearing jade and obsidian jewellery and dressed in resplendent costumes made fo fur and elaborate fabrics. 

How did the ancient Maya express their identity? What objects did they use to show their power? What can archaeology tell us about Maya life? These are some of the questions we will discuss while students learn how to read a Maya monument and handle objects from Central and South America.

A fun story from The Fitzwilliam Museum about flowers competing to be the chosen bloom for a painting. Inspired by 'A vase of flowers with a monkey' by Ambrosius Bosschaert the younger. Written and narrated by Nicola Wallis. Designed by Ayshea Carter. This story is aimed at children aged 5 years and younger, but can be enjoyed by all ages.


Join artist Susie Olczak for an online arts and crafts workshop inspired by Ancient Greek and Roman statues. Susie will be showing you how to create art from cardboard and household materials live from the Museum of Classical Archaeology. 

About the Session 

This set of activities focusses on women in STEM, using objects from the Whipple Museum to explore:

Caroline Herschel and Maggie Aderin-Pocock (astronomy)

Hertha Ayrton (engineering)

Ida Freund (chemistry)

Marjory Stevenson (microbiology)

Rosalind Franklin and Deborah Ruffunduo (microscopy)

Duration: Can be booked as: 

A 60-minute outreach session (online or in person) with ideas for activities to complete in class


About the Session 

This set of activities covers and expands on the Year 5 national curriculum unit "Earth and Space", using objects from the Whipple Museum to explore:

The solar system

Terrestrial, celestial and planetary globes

The earth's movement around the sun

Space science today 

Duration: Can be booked as: 

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