3 reasons to love volunteering

To celebrate national Volunteer Week we’ve been speaking to volunteers across the University of Cambridge Museums, to find out why they give their time to support us. Flora Miles, Volunteer Gallery Attendant at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, shares three reasons why she loves volunteering. Since April 2016 I have spent one afternoon a week volunteering as a Gallery Attendant… Read full article

Volunteering: Everything you need to know

We get dozens of enquiries each week regarding volunteering. It would be wonderful if anyone could walk into the Sedgwick Museum and get up-close and personal with a T. rex fossil, but we have a duty of care to our collections and to those who interact with them. Remember; some of our objects bite back! With this in mind, we… Read full article

Racing ahead with partnership working

With the University of Cambridge Museums’ near neighbour, the National Heritage Centre for Horseracing and Sporting Art, nominated for a national museum award, Liz Hide reflects on how this demonstrates the benefits of museums working in partnership across the region. The Art Fund Museum of the Year award is one of the highlights of the museum year, providing a high-profile… Read full article