10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Event information
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

By July many of our finest native plants have finished flowering, with the notable exception of glorious shows of thistles, ragworts, dandelions and mayweeds – a great time therefore to concentrate on the Asteraceae or the Compositae as we used to call them. The Asteraceae is the biggest flowering plant family in the world and is also the family that is most strongly represented in the British Isles.  It therefore seems appropriate for anyone seriously interested in our native flora to feel confident in identifying them.  Despite the apparent confusion between hawkweeds and hawkbits, mayweeds and chamomiles, this is not in fact a difficult task to do!  Much of the course will be devoted to helping participants increase their confidence and competence in using scientific keys to identify the look-alikes that are such a notorious feature of this family.