Group of researchers carrying out an online word-search in the Museum's archives

“I tried liquor and got a t-shirt!” Adventures with keywords in the Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology catalogue

At the end of November staff and students at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology got together for a pilot workshop on ‘Keywords’, to collaboratively and competitively search the online catalogue for things that aren’t necessarily easy to find. Two of the participants reflect on their experiences. Blog posts on the MAA Digital Lab always start with an object in… Read full article

Transforming Collections and Ourselves: introducing the MAA Stores Move

How have you been? You doing OK? Things have been pretty wild here, in a panic-don’t-panic, start-stop kind of way. Last March we were selecting an incredible team of nine Collections Assistants from an extraordinary field of over 700 applicants to join the most ambitious project the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (MAA) has undertaken in at least a generation…. Read full article