Armed and ready

In September, the Museum of Classical Archaeology worked with Clivedon Conservation to remove their rare plaster cast of the Medusa pediment from the Temple of Artemis on Corcyra (modern-day Corfu) for essential conservation work. Although the conservation of the main body of the Medusa cast and some of the other pieces of the pediment was carried out by Clivedon Conservation,… Read full article

Unpacking Cambridgeshire’s past

The Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (MAA) houses outstanding collections from the Cambridgeshire region, but for much of this material little has been documented and photographed. What happens when we delve into this material, sometimes for the first time since it arrived in the museum, and how can we make it better known? In 1923 Sir Cyril Fox published his… Read full article

The Science of Art: object-focused research in our museums

Can you hear when a pigment has been ground to the right particle size? How do we know which plastics in a museum are going to self-destruct? Why is conservation documentation like a pile of dirty laundry? Can you make a priceless book full of moving paper parts and almost 500 years old accessible to all? Did the Pacific island… Read full article