Wooden packing crate open to reveal paper and miscellaneous objects

Where in the World is That From?!

The Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (MAA) cares for a collection spanning the whole world, but sometimes all that is known about an object is that it came from somewhere on Earth. The Stores Move project is working through five large ‘miscellaneous’ boxes, filled to the brim with mystery and intrigue. Samantha Daisley describes her work on these boxes, and… Read full article

A group of adults and their young children seated on the floor of a gallery looking at paintings together

Creative Adventures for Families

Based at the Fitzwilliam Museum, the Creative Families course offers young children and their adults a chance to explore the Museum through stories, songs, artmaking, and play. Museum Educator, Nicola Wallis, discusses the Museum’s partnership with The Fields Child & Family Centre and the impact of the course. Funded by Cambridge City Council, Creative Families is a four-week project that… Read full article

Pop-up museum stall in Damietta Public Library Egypt. A group of local men and women stand at the stall with their backs to the camera.

Pop-Up Museums: From Cambridge to Egypt

David Farrell-Banks, the Participatory Research and Impact Coordinator at the Fitzwilliam, chats with Sara Hany Abed, a museum and heritage content researcher based in Alexandria Egypt. Since 2019 Sara has worked with Helen Strudwick, Senior Curator, Ancient Nile Valley at the Fitzwilliam Museum, on the Egyptian Coffins project, pop-up museums, and more. David lets us listen in on their chat…… Read full article